
Remember What It Felt Like To Climb Into Your Ma's Lap?

I set up a website called Ma's Lap today. It's short for Mothers Against Lazy Parenting. It's one of the few things I feel strongly about. The amount of parents who just don't even try to be in their kid's life anymore. I understand that some people need daycare to cover their workday. I understand that not everyone can be a stay at home mom but when you don't bother to spend time with your kids when you are at home or if you forget you have kids. That's what's causing todays troubles. Know what your kids are doing, keep track of them, hang out with them and keep your eyes open.
I could never forget mine.

The Finish Line

I can proudly say I finished the novel. It's not completely done. It needs several revisions and 50,000-100,000 more words but it's got a beginning, a middle, and an end. Every plot point has at least a chapter and I got to my goal of 50,000.
It makes me happy that something I've been working on for ten years is finally done. It's a workable piece and, from the opinions I've gotten, a damn good piece.
Keira seems to have broken down some kind of writer's black that the greasy grey put up. Maybe, for once, I really am happy.
My inner cat purrs


Growing Pains

I don't spend much time here anymore. It's just easier to avoid my thoughts and go about my life.
Keira is getting so big. She's the love of my life. I miss her so much on the days I work. She's started to look at me and smile in a way that makes my heart melt. It's so awesome that she actually sees and recognizes me. She's started to coo a lot more, too. The kids love her so much.
Ari is experiencing some major growing pains. She's pushing the limits of my parenting skills and becoming a close friend of dicipline. I'm not sure if it's her age or that she's now going to headstart but something is giving her the idea that Mommy and Daddy aren't in charge anymore. It makes me discouraged but at the same time I'm so proud she has that unbeatable spirit.
Donovan is learning so much. He's reading more and more, everyday. I was letting him read Dick and Jane but now I think he's ready to move on, he reads things on windows, the TV and even knows what Mike and I are spelling when we don't want him to.
As far as work goes, I love it. The environment is perfect for me, a lot of my co-workers are parents and my age. They all have the same interests as me and the same tastes. I've yet to meet anyone rude or stuck-up. I'm working with someone I went to high school with and it's nice because he never wants to get nostalgic but he acts like we were best friends when the truth is, I hardly knew him.
He's the best: cool, friendly, outgoing, but he acts like we are long lost pals. I'd love to feel like I'd regained an old friend but I haven't.
Thanksgiving is right around the corner, where does the time go?


Two Months Posted by Hello


Holidays Are Chock Full Of Goodness

Man, what a long week this has been. I know the holidays are supposed to be busy but I think I over did it as usual. On Saturday we went to the farmer's market. It was a lot of fun but really cold. I met a girl that takes great photos and a wiccan that makes soaps and stuff. They were both so great. We took the kids around to all the stalls and they got candy. One of the places had a great Day of the Dead Altar and I kicked myself for not taking my camera.
On Sunday we went trick or treating twice, once at the mall and once around the neighborhood. The neighborhood was really dead and I was disappointed by how many people didn't hand out candy. It feels like the spirit of Halloween is as dead as the people it celebrates. After trick or treating we went to a Halloween party. It was very laid back, very cool. We sat around and talked.
Monday we had a full turkey dinner in celebration of Samhain and Feast of the Dead. Pumpkin pie, cranberry, stuffing, mashed potatoes, the works. It was very cool.
Yesterday we spent the afternoon in the ER because Keira had a strange cough that I was concerned about. They took xrays of her lungs but couldn't find anything wrong with her. I made an appointment at the pediatrician's on Monday.
Last week we watched the eclipse. The kids seemed oblivious to it but Mike and I loved it.
Also, on Monday I got the job at Hot Topic finally. It's only minimum wage and limited hours but the discount rules.
Finally I joined the National Novel Writing Month website where I will be attempting to crunch out 40,000 words in one month. That might finish my novel. Those things are worth money...