
Enjoying the Present and Looking Forward to the Future

Well, finals are over and I am dying to see my final grades. Mike says they won't be up until at least the eighteenth but I religiously go to check every day. I hope I won't be disappointed. I already know my viciously ignorant 3-D design teacher gave me a B. I may have gotten an A in Art History in spite of that first C if I scored a high enough A on the final. Ceramics and 2-D Design are for sure A's. So now its just a waiting game.

We also are waiting to hear if Mike got the job that will literally pay the rent for the next couple of semesters. Community Assistant comps the rent and gives us a little over $100 every two weeks. Instead of calling or emailing us, however, he mailed a letter stating whether or not Mike got the job. Don't these people realize how impatient I am!!!

I got to read a book for enjoyment for the first time in almost a year this week. It is amazing. Being able to sit back and relax guilt free without thinking, "I should be studying." It's been nice. Also, the house is semi-clean. It's not a total disaster and I've been able to keep up with the dishes. Laundry. That's another story.

Anyway, its been awesome to be able to take some time to myself. I can get back into posting, yoga, praying, etc. I do look forward to next semester though!! I'm really excited about next semester! Creative Writing, Mythology, Photoshop. It's bound to be interesting...


Just Can't Seem To Kick This

I know I promised to post more but for some reason I've gotten sick and I can't seem to get well. It started with the flu moving smoothly and flawlessly through a sinus infection and landing square in the lap of strep throat. As soon as I have finished finals and start to feel better you will see a marked increase in posting... that is if anyone still reads this thing.