
Adventures of the Yellow Keira-Bean

Today was Keira's one weeks check-up and the doc was a little concerned with her jaundice. We went to the lab to get her bilirubins drawn and they were at a 16. For levels of 15 and higher they suggest phototherapy treatment. 18 or more and they baby gets put into the hospital. So, Keira is sleeping in a bright teal phototherapy blanket. She looks like a little glow worm. The blanket is called a "Wallaby Blanket" but we've taken to calling everyone and everything involved "Billy." She'll stay wrapped for three days and they'll recheck her levels everyday. My daughter's poor feet.

1 comment:

Meira said...

Wow-- she looks just like one of you . . . only I can't figure out who. I'm leaning towards Donovan's eyes? But then I haven't seen the eyes in question in years, so what do I know?

Steven had jaundice in the hospital. I asked Chris if he looked orange, and Chris tried to convince me it was Steven's italian coloring coming in. Um, no.